Learning Modelling and Artificial Intelligence

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Academic Programme Details
Programme Type
Programme Duration
1 year
Programme Format
In person
Language of Instruction

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, driven in particular by proven successes in image processing and natural language handling. successes in image processing and natural language processing. In its entirety, it offers the In general, it offers the possibility of responding to a strong need of industrialists who are seeking to make the best use of data. This may involve gaining a better understanding of complex systems or predicting their behaviour, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of companies.

The objective of the apprenticeship training offered by Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT and INSA is to enable students to acquire the essential notions so that this understanding and creativity can be exercised. The course therefore includes a solid mathematical and computer science component, the core subjects of which are statistics, optimisation, machine learning, signal processing, scientific computing and deep learning, which are at the heart of modern digital AI - as opposed to the historical, so-called symbolic AI, based more on mathematical logic.

In addition to teaching the fundamentals of AI, this course has two notable originalities. Many applications of AI are expected in transport, predictive maintenance, the use of physical fields, e.g. meteorological, vehicle tracking, and therefore concern phenomena governed by mathematical equations. It is therefore important that this training be enriched by teaching about forecasting techniques in systems governed by equations, such as data assimilation. On the other hand, the industrial use of AI, especially when it leads to decision making in critical systems, requires making AI software explainable. It is a matter of mathematically proving and certifying that a piece of software performs an error-free implementation of a given mathematical algorithm. To this end, the course includes a teaching unit on so-called trust systems.

INSA Toulouse and INP-ENSEEIHT are joining forces to deliver a double engineering degree, certified by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI), on the theme of artificial intelligence. The ModIA apprenticeship programme, in conjunction with the MidiSup apprentice training centre (CFA MidiSup), includes alternating periods between the company and the schools during the fourth and fifth post-bac years. 
The first semester of the sixth year is the End of Study Project (PFE). 

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