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News from MAterials design at the eXascale

MaX codes achieve performance and scalability on different EuroHPC architectures

MaX released its “Performance and Scalability” brochure, gathering the latest results of the MaX codes in achieving performance and scaling on different EuroHPC systems. Download a copy!



MaX codes deployed on different EuroHPC architectures

MaX codes are running on different EuroHPC systems with high parallel efficiency. In many cases, codes are deployed and the modules are available to users or demonstrated by the developers and ready for installation. Learn more about the MaX codes!

Upcoming Events

CASTIEL2 “Code of the Month” series with MaX code SIESTA: December 11, 2024.

The webinar will feature MaX code SIESTA: a high-performance software used by researchers in geosciences, biology, and engineering, apart from materials physics and chemistry. Further details online.