The SAR training aims to train specialists in the design, modelling, analysis, optimisation and control of complex robotic systems. It covers the…
The MIAGE IA2 course trains computer scientists capable of implementing in a very concrete way the various techniques resulting from artificial…
Artificial Intelligence Internals (168 heures) Montée en compétences techniques en IA : Gestion des masses des données et apprentissage automatique…
A natural evolution of the projects carried out in recent years by data science and big data, what is most often referred to as artificial…
The IAAA course introduces the most recent advances in artificial intelligence and trains students to exploit the associated methods and techniques…
The objectives of this training are to : - To train experts in human-centred AI (HAI), capable of taking responsibility for an activity requiring…
The 2nd year courses of the IARF speciality are common to those of the engineering course of the Master's degree in Real Time Systems Engineering…
Постдипломските студии по пресметување во облак се стремат кон врвно европско образование и обучување, кои по завршувањето на студиите ќе можат да…
Containerization technologies and orchestration solutions like Kubernetes are the cornerstones of building efficient microservice-based scalable and…
Computational Engineering is a full-time, second-level degree program with a practical profile, launched by ICM University of Warsaw in the winter…
The aim of the course is to train computer engineers who, after having acquired a high level of scientific and specific technical knowledge related…
The aim of the course is to train engineers who, having acquired a high level of scientific and specific technical knowledge in the field of…
The aim of the Master's degree in Computer Engineering is to train engineers who, having acquired a high level of scientific and specific technical…
The aim of the Master of Engineering in Computer Science is twofold. On the one hand, to train computer engineers who capable of developing IT…
The new master course of Information Technology is one of the most important programmes at our Faculty. It aims to provide engineers from technical…
The second-year Computer Science for Networks (CSN) Master’s program enables students to understand, analyze and improve communication networks, as…
The aim of the training is to train IT professionals who: * have a solid theoretical foundation in IT *are able to develop, apply and operate complex…
The aim of the training is to train IT professionals who will ensure the long-term development of their knowledge on the basis of theoretical…
The aim is to train engineers who, having acquired a high level of scientific and specific technical knowledge in the field of informatics, are…
The aim of the program is to train IT professionals who, based on the theoretical foundations that ensure the development of their knowledge in the…