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The Centres of Excellence (CoEs) are specialised projects dedicated to advancing High-Performance Computing (HPC) across key scientific and industrial domains in Europe. They bring together leading experts, cutting-edge infrastructure, and targeted research to address complex challenges in areas such as climate modeling, materials science, engineering, and artificial intelligence. The CoEs aim to develop and optimise HPC applications, ensuring they meet the highest performance and efficiency standards. By collaborating with industry, academia, and public institutions, the CoEs drive the adoption of HPC technologies, supporting innovations that strengthen Europe’s leadership in the digital and scientific realms.



Each of the success stories below is a summary of a successful experiment that has been conducted within one of our organisations and one or more partners from industry, society, and/or science. The summary focuses on the business benefits resulting from the experiment.

Use Case

BioExcel: Electronic Interaction Phenomena: Proton Dynamics and Fluorescent…

Short Description Proton Dynamics Mass spectrometry has revolutionized proteomics, i.e. the investigation of the myriad of protein/protein…

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Success Story

Excellerat Success Story: Bringing industrial end-users to Exascale computing:…

CoE involved:Strong scaling for turbulent channel (tri) and rocket engine simulations (circle). Performance (symbols) versus ideal (line)…

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Success Story

HiDALGO success story: Assisting decision makers to solve Global Challenges…

HIGHLIGHTED CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEHiDALGO is the Center of Excellence in HPC and Big Data technologies for Global Systems funded by the European…

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Success Story

Success Story: AiiDA Platform Accelerates Materials Discovery

Highlighted Centre of ExcellenceMAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) is a European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling,…

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