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Find information about direct funding opportunities for enterprises, institutions and universities or funded projects that can help you with HPC. 


Funding Partner 1

The European federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs aims to consolidate as the European reference for data driven innovation and experimentation, fostering collaboration between data driven initiatives in Europe

Funding Partner 2

The European Commission helps to shape the EU’s overall strategy, proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget. Find their funding programmes here.

Funding Partner 3

ETP4HPCs main mission is to promote European HPC research and innovation in order to maximise the economic and societal benefit of HPC for European science, industry and citizens.

Funding Partner 4

FF4EuroHPC is the fourth iteration of a European initiative that helps facilitate access to all high-performance computing-related technologies for SMEs and thus increases the innovation potential of European industry.

Funding Partner 5

The Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) Initiative aligns different projects (so-called Innovation Actions) in various Technology Areas. Find Open Calls of SAE aligned Innovation Actions here.

Funding Partner 10

EuroHPC – Leading the way in European Supercomputing: The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is a joint initiative between the EU, European countries and private partners to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe.

Funding Partner

The Programme aims to raise awareness and provide European SMEs with the expertise necessary to take advantage of the innovation possibilities created by High-Performance Computing (HPC), thus increasing their competitiveness.

Other projects – Contact for expertise and experience   

Funding Partner

Access to HPC resources and services can help firms increase their competitiveness by reducing time-to-market, improving product reliability and safety, and developing innovative industrial processes, services and products.

Funding Partner 6

ETP4HPCs main mission is to promote European HPC research and innovation in order to maximise the economic and societal benefit of HPC for European science, industry and citizens.

Funding Partner 7

FocusCoE supports the Centres of Excellence in high-performance computing to more effectively fulfil their role, which is to ensure that extreme scale applications result in tangible benefits for addressing scientific, industrial or societal challenges.

European HPC systems and ressources

Funding Partner 8

The European supercomputer Leonardo, managed by Cineca, that will be installed at the end of 2021 in the new data center located in the Tecnopolo of Bologna, will deliver 10 exaflops of FP16 AI performance.

Funding Partner 9

The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is pooling European resources to develop top-of-the-range exascale supercomputers for processing big data, based on competitive European technology.