Academic Programmes

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Data and Artificial Intelligence

The two-year Data Artificial Intelligence Master’s program covers artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. Students will acquire the basics of machine learning, logic, big data systems, and databases, before diving into applications in advanced machine learning, symbolic AI, swarm intelligence, natural language processing, visual computing, and robotics.

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence


As a student in the MSc Data Sciences & Artificial Intelligence course at Université Côte d'Azur, you will be trained to become a specialist in the mathematical techniques and computational tools needed to extract knowledge from large amounts of data. Students will receive a thorough grounding in theory as well as technical and practical data science skills, enabling them to apply advanced data science methods to real-world problems.

Data Science Starter Program

With the explosion and profusion of data available in a large number of fields, new collection and analysis techniques are having a profound effect on all sectors of economic life, but also on certain research sectors. The course offers an introduction to the best methodological tools for understanding and exploiting data, particularly massive data (Big Data). An immersion in the world of data through an intensive course on the fundamentals of data science.

High Performance Computing

What is High Performance Computing?

High Performance Computing (HPC) is the use of powerful processors, networks and parallel supercomputers to tackle problems that are very computationally or data-intensive.

What will I learn?

This programme aims to provide you with in-demand skills and knowledge of the techniques and technologies underpinning parallelism and HPC. Skills and knowledge will be gained across a wide range of industries and academic disciplines.

High Performance Data Analytics

The rapid growth of the internet has led to vast amounts of data being collected. As analyzing this data requires tremendous computing power, high-performance data analytics employs various parallelization techniques to reduce the execution time. These techniques can be applied to various domains such as high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and big data.



The convergence of the fields of High Performance Computing (HPC) and massive data processing (HPDA) is now allowing the creation of intelligent systems that the professional world is taming to invent breakthrough solutions. This convergence requires the development of new interdisciplinary skills with a solid foundation in both mathematics and computer science.

The current training offer only partially covers this field of expertise, while the need for skills is constantly increasing.

Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV)

The two-year Master’s programme in Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV) trains specialists in a field of increasing importance in our daily lives. Processing images and videos is essential in domains such as medicine, surveillance, industrial control, remote sensing, e-commerce, automation, etc. The IPCV programme offers extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to train highly-qualified graduates in this field.

Programme scheme:

Intelligent systems

Постдипломските студии по интелигентни системи имаат за цел обезбедување на врвен научен и истражувачки кадар за задоволување на сé поголемата побарувачка за висококвалификувани инженери способни за совладување на најпредизвикувачките развојни, истражувачки и процесни проблеми.

Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISI) course

The development and implementation of intelligent systems and robotic machines, from the processing of sensor output to its high-level interpretation by artificial intelligence methods, meets a growing need of industrialists in sectors with high employment demand. The ISI course aims to train students in research and development in the fields of intelligent systems and robotics, and in particular on subjects such as multimodal interaction, image and sound analysis, and the design and control of robotic systems, at the interface of computer science, electronics and mechanics.

Internet Technologies

Постдипломските студии по Интернет технологии имаат за цел да обезбедат квалитетно и врвно европско образование и обучување на ИКТ инженери со длабоки познавања на Интернет мрежите, технологиите и безбедноста. По завршувањето на студиите овие инженери ќе можат да заземат одговорни позиции во процесите на планирање, дизајн, управување и безбедност на Интернет мрежи и работа со различни видови на најнови технологии вклучувајќи ги и нивните бизнис аспекти.

Learning Modelling and Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, driven in particular by proven successes in image processing and natural language handling. successes in image processing and natural language processing. In its entirety, it offers the In general, it offers the possibility of responding to a strong need of industrialists who are seeking to make the best use of data. This may involve gaining a better understanding of complex systems or predicting their behaviour, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of companies.

Machine Learning


This course aims to give students a very clear intuition behind the most essential Machine Learning methods. Therefore, we will practice implementing some of the key algorithms (like decision trees, backprop, bagging tree) in machine learning, so that it can be done if the need arises. We will discuss and gain practical experience with `sklearn` library. We will build an understanding as to when some algorithms should be preferred to other algorithms.