The two-year Data Artificial Intelligence Master’s program covers artificial intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. Students will acquire…
As a student in the MSc Data Sciences & Artificial Intelligence course at Université Côte d'Azur, you will be trained to become a specialist in…
With the explosion and profusion of data available in a large number of fields, new collection and analysis techniques are having a profound effect…
Lector: Prof. Emanouil Iordanov Atanassov E-mail: Workload: 30 hours The course aims to familiarize…
The goal is to provide an understanding of high performance computing, how it works, and introduce its best practices and use cases to enable…
What is High Performance Computing? High Performance Computing (HPC) is the use of powerful processors, networks and parallel supercomputers to…
The "High Performance Computing and Data Science" course is a joint course between Enseirb-Matméca and the University of Bordeaux. It is aimed at…
You will study at EPCC, the UK’s leading supercomputing centre and a Centre of Excellence within the University's College of Science and…
This programme aims to provide students with in-demand (for both a wide range of industries and academic disciplines) skills and knowledge of the…
The rapid growth of the internet has led to vast amounts of data being collected. As analyzing this data requires tremendous computing power, high-…
High Performance Computing (HPC) is the ability to tackle computationally- or data-intensive problems by powerful processors, networks and parallel…
The convergence of the fields of High Performance Computing (HPC) and massive data processing (HPDA) is now allowing the creation of intelligent…
The two-year Master’s programme in Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV) trains specialists in a field of increasing importance in our daily…
Постдипломските студии по интелигентни системи имаат за цел обезбедување на врвен научен и истражувачки кадар за задоволување на сé поголемата…
The development and implementation of intelligent systems and robotic machines, from the processing of sensor output to its high-level interpretation…
Постдипломските студии по Интернет технологии имаат за цел да обезбедат квалитетно и врвно европско образование и обучување на ИКТ инженери со…
Within this subject, you can familiarize yourself with the following topics: machine learning, artificial neural networks; image processing,…
Тhе MSc programme Nuclear and Particle Physics aims to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of nuclear physics, particle physics,…
Lector: Professor, Dr. Todor Vassilev Gurov E-mail: Workload: 30 hours The course aims to acquaint the PhD…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, driven in particular by proven successes in image processing and natural…