Centre of Excellence in Exascale CFD
Finding Solutions to Grand Challenges at the Frontier of CFD
The Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD (CEEC) is pushing forward the state of the art in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Building on the work of other Centres of Excellence, CEEC launched in January of 2023 and will run through December of 2026. The CEEC consortium hales from five European countries and broadly represents expertise across mathematics, physics, and computer science.
CEEC’s ambition is to enable the use of exascale computers for key computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications and demonstrate their capabilities through key light-house cases. Understanding the turbulent behavior of gases and liquids has direct societal impact. In fact, it will be key for enabling the transition to a carbon-free economy through optimizations like more fuel efficient airplanes and cargo ships or wind turbines that can be more easily and sustainably installed on the ocean floor. CEEC aims at: implement exascale-ready workflows to solve grand scientific challenges, develop new or improves algorithms that can efficiently exploit exascale systems, improve energy efficiency of simulations, and demonstrate workflows on lighthouse cases that are relevant for academia and industry.
Runtime: 01/2023 - 12/2026