Centre of Excellence in the domain of Solid earth
ChEESE-2P intends to anchor itself as a central hub for HPC software within the solid earth community to evaluate and forecast geohazards. The project collaborates closely with European institutions, hardware developers, industry stakeholders, public bodies, and HPC centers.
Stepping into its second phase, ChEESE-2P aims to prepare 11 community flagship codes to address 12 domain-specific Exascale Computational Challenges (ECCs) on, eg., computational seismology, magnetohydrodynamics, physical volcanology. Codes will be optimized in terms of performance on different types of accelerators, scalability, deployment, containerization, and portability. Codes and workflows will combine to form a new generation of 9 Pilot Demonstrators underpinned by concepts like multi-scale, multi-source, and multi-physics, that will materialise in 15 Simulation Cases representing capability and capacity use cases of particular relevance in terms of science, social relevance, or urgency.
Latest ChEESE News
FocusCoE at EuroHPC Summit Week 2022
24. March 2022
With the support of the FocusCoE project, almost all European HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) participated once again in the EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) this year in Paris, France: the first EHPCSW in person since 2019’s event in Poland.
FocusCoE Hosts Intel OneAPI Workshop for the EU HPC CoEs
4. March 2022
On March 2, 2022 FocusCoE hosted Intel for a workshop introducing the oneAPI development environment. In all, over 40 researchers representing the EU HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) were able to attend the single day workshop to gain an overview of OneAPI.
11. October 2021
SIMAI 2021 The 2020 edition of the bi-annual congress of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) has
CoEs at Teratec Forum 2021 and ISC21
15. June 2021
With the support of FocusCoE, a number of HPC CoEs will give short presentations at the virtual PRACE booth in
Looking for news on all CoEs? Visit the >> CoE news page
Runtime: 01/2023 - 12/2026