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Academic Programme Details
Programme Type
Programme Duration
1 year
Programme Format
In person
Language of Instruction

The convergence of the fields of High Performance Computing (HPC) and massive data processing (HPDA) is now allowing the creation of intelligent systems that the professional world is taming to invent breakthrough solutions. This convergence requires the development of new interdisciplinary skills with a solid foundation in both mathematics and computer science.

The current training offer only partially covers this field of expertise, while the need for skills is constantly increasing.

Despite the creation of a Master’s level training offer bearing the mention “high performance computing, simulation”, we only list 5 Masters with this mention at the national level. In addition, “applied mathematics, statistics” training, which specialises in the development of data science skills, has little or no connection with high-performance computing. The convergence of the two disciplines, which is today the strength of the GAFA and BATX, motivated the creation of this Advanced Master’s Degree (MS) to complete the initial training offer and also to enable the reconversion of executives in exercise.

The offer of this training on the MINES ParisTech campus in Sophia-Antipolis allows the technological professions of the technology park to be perfectly targeted.  The technology park provides a framework for strong interaction between the various players in the digital society. MINES ParisTech in Sophia Antipolis plays a major role in the development of the region’s professions through its contractual research activity and the training of young engineers (Bac+5 and Bac+6) and PhDs (Bac+8). The Advanced Master’s Degree we create reinforces the MINES ParisTech training offer for jobs with high demand and added value.

The need for skills in HPC and AI is combined by the proliferation of predictive computing requiring more and more substantial means of computation. All industrial sectors are concerned and often use training through research in the framework of doctoral contracts to train their future R&D engineers in HPC and machine learning. Recruitment for this type of rare profile is difficult because very few initial training courses offer dual skills in applied mathematics and computer science. A good part of the integration period for young engineers is devoted to completing their initial training to the detriment of deepening their knowledge of the company’s business. The training we offer helps to overcome these problems by preparing future high-level engineers with a mastery of high-performance computing and analysis.

We have exchanged with several public and private institutions and we have gathered their support for the creation of this training. Some examples include: Inria Sophia Antipolis, Université Côte d’Azur, the Maison de Simulation et Interactions, GENCI, Teratec and several technological and industrial companies: Intel, NVIDIA, IBM, Atos, Thales, Safran, EDF, IFPEN, ONERA, ANSYS…