Artificial intelligence and machine learning

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Academic Programme Details
Programme Type
Programme Duration
2 years
Programme Format
In person
Language of Instruction

The IAAA course introduces the most recent advances in artificial intelligence and trains students to exploit the associated methods and techniques in innovative applications. The themes covered are machine learning, deep learning, automatic natural language processing, modelling and solving problems based on constraints, and knowledge representation and processing. These topics are particularly relevant to data science and fundamental computer science. Course: Reliability and Computer Security (FSI) Course: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (IAAA) Course: Discrete Computing and Mathematics (IMD) Course: Geometry and Graphical Informatics (GIG) Course: Software Development Engineering (IDL) Course: Data Science and Engineering (SID) Data Science and Engineering (SID) TEACHING SITES The IAAA course shares teaching units with the master's degree in data science of the applied mathematics major, with the Data Science option of the École Centrale Marseille, and with the master's degree in cognitive science of the ILCB convergence institute on the learning aspects at the confluence of the brain and computer themes, and will give rise to joint projects with students in all of the institute's disciplines. SCIENCES, Marseille Luminy - In Master 1. SCIENCES, Marseille St-Jérôme - In Master 2. The IAAA course is strongly "research" and "research and development" oriented, with strong career opportunities, also allowing students to directly join a company within projects that develop applications involving AI-based technologies. This course will be international in scope, in particular through the recruitment of foreign students via the Ecole Centrale Marseille.