NCC Cyprus
Short Description about NCC: The National Competence Centre in Cyprus is led and coordinated by the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC).
The mission of CaSToRC is:
- To carry out a research program of international calibre in computational sciences, engineering, technology and scientific computing.
- To support the research mission of other CyI research centers, both the currently established research centers and future centers.
- To provide forefront computing resources to enable Cyprus and the larger Eastern Mediterranean research community to pursue state-of-the-art computing-related research.
- To be a catalyst for the development of an education in computation-based science and technology in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region.
- To act as a National HPC Competence Center and a regional hub for computational science, scientific computing and innovation for academia, government and industry.
In the context of the EuroCC project, the goal of CaSToRC, acting as the NCC for Cyprus, is to enhance and develop the competences of the Cypriot computational community in the fields of High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA).
We consider our computational community to encompass current, new and future potential users from the academic, industrial and government community.
Through support, consulting and training provided by our High Level Support Team and supporting staff, we aim to enhance the abilities of our users, enable their use of HPC and related technologies in their work process, so they can scale up, outcompete and innovate.
Find out more about CaSToRC and NCC Cyprus on our website:
The Cyprus NCC holds training events, to enhance the competences of the computational community.
Below, one can find the training events of the NCC:
The NCC’s personnel is an integral component and we will ensure that a training plan is in place so that our staff acquires new knowledge and skills, adapts to change and performs optimally their duties. Visits and staff exchanges with other National Competence Centres will be planned according to the competencies that need to be developed. Technical personnel of the NCC will participate in train the trainers’ programs so that they can provide effective user support. Coordination with other National Competence Centres will be sought for code- development when local expertise is not sufficient. Staff of the high-level support team will also be trained to effectively provide user support, according to the needs of local users.
Find out more about our support program as well as the NCC’s service portfolio in the link below:
The Cyprus NCC has a seminar series, with speakers presenting their work.
The list of previous seminars can be found in the following link:
The NCC has a number of ongoing projects with industry, government and academia, where we currently work together on projects involving High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Details of these projects can be found in the following link: