NCC Germany
NCC Germany: EuroCC@GCS is the German national centre of competence for high-performance computing (HPC). We are the first point of contact for the German and European HPC scene and operate a network of scientists, providers and users of high-performance computing – from industry to research.
Tasks of the NCC are diverse, including (but not limited to):
- Collect HPC Training offers in Germany and display them on a central place together with international training offers collected by other NCCs
- Develop and display a comprehensive and transparent map of HPC competences and institutions in Germany
- Act as a gateway for industry and academia to providers with suitable expertise or relevant projects, may that be national or international
- Foster the industrial uptake of HPC
For Industry

HPC is increasingly being used in both large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce development costs through shorter simulation times, to increase product quality or to develop new types of solutions through problem-solving techniques such as high-performance data analysis and artificial intelligence. You will find services and competences that can be used in various forms of cooperation, from direct contracts to research projects:
For Users

Welcome to our info page on the use of supercomputers! There you will find information on various topics in Cosmos High Performance Computing: