NCC Greece

Short Description about NCC:
A National Competence Center is the reference and single point of contact and coordination on a national level for HPC. Its missions are to analyze, implement and coordinate all necessary activities and offer services to end users to cover their needs: from access to resources and technological consultancy to the provision of training courses for academia, public administrations and industry.
The aim is to bring together the necessary expertise to set up a cross-European network of NCCs in HPC-related topics with 31 participating members and associated states and to provide a broad service portfolio tailored to the respective national needs of academia, public administrations and industry. Each NCC has a presentation page with their skills and contact information.
EuroCC@Greece is one of the 33 HPC Competence Centres, built in the framework of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU).
The overall objective of the Greek National Competence Center is to enable the efficient uptake of HPC technologies
with the 3-fold goal to:
i) advance competitiveness in research
ii) improve effectiveness of government services and
iii) promote innovation in industry.
In order to achieve this goal, the NCC will address the issues of training and skills development, technology transfer, collaboration with Industry, competence mapping and awareness raising, in the fields of High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

The Greek National Competence Center “EuroCC@Greece”, is run by a consortium of 5 institutions, namely
- GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (coordinator),
- National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”,
- Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH),
- Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of NTUA
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The project has received funding from the European High-Performance computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732 and the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology.

HPC in Greece

HPC is relatively new in Greece. In 2015, the ARIS HPC system, the Greek supercomputer, was deployed and operated by GRNET S.A. in Athens. ARIS consists of 532 computational nodes separated in five “islands”. It is a PRACE Τier-1 system offering a 535 Tflops computing system, 2 PB of parallel file storage. ARIS empowers the Greek Scientific Community by meeting the needs of Greek users in multiple scientific fields. GRNET additionally offers respective application support and training services. Computational Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Biomedicine, Earth Sciences, Computational Engineering, Materials Science are some indicative scientific fields that today rely on the use of modern HPC infrastructures. In order to allow full and equal access to the ARIS national high performance computing system, GRNET provides a mechanism, very similar to the PRACE one, by inviting scientists and researchers working in Greek educational and/or research institutes to submit a project proposal – which should relate to open research, for the access and exploitation of ARIS.
In addition, Greece is strongly involved in pan–European High-Performance Computing (HPC). GRNET is a core member of PRACE project being active in all implementation phases, supporting dissemination activities, providing training as a regional PRACE Training Center, contributing to the operation and coordination of the Common PRACE operational services, as well as to the prototyping of new services. Regular training courses take place in the fields of efficient use of systems, parallel and accelerator programming, and discipline specific methods, involving Machine Learning. The usage of HPC services and infrastructures is performed almost entirely by the academic sector, as it is shown in the figures below. There are practically no industrial or governmental users. The usage of the ARIS Supercomputer is high, and there are always jobs in the queue.
Additionally, Greece, represented by GRNET, participates in the European Leonardo consortium for the operation of one of the three pre-exascale level supercomputer systems in Europe, providing to the research and innovation communities significant resources to assist in the development of new outcomes.
In this area you will find a competence mapping in Greece, together with tools for subscribing yourself as an HPC provider, an HPC expert, an ISV provider, a training provider or any kind of service provider that you consider relevant to HPC, HPDA, AI, Machine Learning.
HPC marketplace/ providers
For instance, if you are an expert, a service provider or an infrastructure provider you can register yourself or your business, on the HPC marketplace and be seen by potential users, here.
HPC marketplace/ users
On the other hand, If you are a potential HPC user you may find relevant experts, services or/and infrastructure providers here.
HPC/HPDA/AI training database @ Greece
If you are interested in finding a training course, master, seminar in the relevant fields in Greece, you may search our database here.
HPC “Needs & skills” survey
In order to make us more efficient in mapping the HPC needs and skills in Greece, and thus create a better service portfolio, please take 15 minutes to fill this ”needs and skills” online questionnaire . You can find here the analysis of the results so far.
HPC “Training needs” survey
In order to help us improve training in Greece, please take 10 minutes to fill in the “Industry training needs online questionnaire”.
Your HPC journey to success!
Explore – Discover – Identify – Get Started
Training and the development of skills related to the use of HPC are becoming increasingly important in today’s industrial and research ecosystems. EuroCC@Grecce aims to address the training and skills needs in Greece.
In our “training” area you can:
- Explore a collection of video lectures on HPC related topics, coming from all sorts of training providers, Universities, HPC centers, vendors etc, identified and approved as very useful for potential HPC users.
- Discover the available sources for training in Greece and Europe. You can visit the “HPC/HPDA/AI training repository” in which, through keywords or through filtering by domain, course type, institution, or your level of readiness you can find out all kinds of relevant trainings in Greece on AI, BD and HPC. Currently 421 relevant training programs, have been identified, mainly bachelor degree or masters degree, and a few summer schools, webinars and HPC specialized courses.
- Find upcoming training events all over Europe, or discover a vast varietyof training resources, online material, presentations, white papers and publications, produced and delivered by PRACE training centers, HPC centers and domain expert Centers of Excellence. In addition, you can also find an array of scientific publications coming from researchers and scientists in Greece that have used the ARIS supercomputer infrastructure during the last years.
- Get started by accessing some of the official HPC training delivered by GRNET, and its role as an official PRACE training center. These are hands-on trainings 2-3 day webinars covering both basic skills in parallel programming technologies and domain specific specialized knowledge, with topics such as “Introduction to Parallel Programming”, “GPU programming using CUDA”, “Effective use of HPC systems”, “Introduction to biomolecular modeling in HPC”, “Machine learning in HPC”, “accelerator programming”, “Meteorological and climate modeling” and the list is about to be enlarged in the following years.
Help us identify your training needs!
Our aim is to continuously improve the level of training on HPC related topics in Greece. As such please, take a few minutes to fill in our training needs online questionnaire so that we can design our next HPC courses aligned with your need.
EuroCC@Greece Events

“HPC Workshop 2023: Large Scale Scientific Computations”, EuroCC@Greece by NTUA

Data analytics in the era of large-scale machine learning

“Fast and Powerful Machine Learning Tools in Engineering” Online Workshop

EuroCC@Greece takes part at the Athens Science Festival | “Worlds of Tomorrow”

HPC training for consultants of the EEN

“HPC Workshop 2022: Large Scale Scientific Computations”, by NTUA

ONLINE PRACE Training Centre course “GPU programming using CUDA”

“HPC Tech & Tools Training Snippets” & webinar material

ONLINE PRACE Training Centre course “Introduction to Parallel Programming”

ONLINE PRACE Training Centre course (PTC)

HPC for the Greek Health and Life Sciences Sector

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #11

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #10

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #9

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #8

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #7

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #6

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #5

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #4

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #3

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #2

EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter #1
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