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NCC Türkiye

The main objective of the NCC is to raise HPC/HPDA/AI awareness in academia, public, and private sectors and to facilitate collaboration between academia and industry. NCC Türkiye encourages and supports SMEs/enterprises to benefit from the correct technology/hardware/software/algorithm, as well as the correct set of educational resources. Turkish Academic Network and Information Centre (TUBITAK ULAKBIM), as lead beneficiary, is responsible for the management of NCC Türkiye. As the Third-Parties of NCC Türkiye, Middle East Technical University, Sabancı University, and Istanbul Technical University National Center for High-Performance Computing (UHeM) share their HPC and domain expertise through the dedicated training events, schools, and consultancies. For further information, visit our website.


TUBITAK ULAKBIM (Turkish Academic Network and Information Center)
Beneficiary – National Coordinator

In the EuroCC Project, TUBITAK ULAKBIM is responsible for the coordination and financial management of the NCC Türkiye. Strengthening industry-academia collaboration through the SME HPC case studies and skill development via training events and dissemination activities are the main focus of the NCC for integration of the national HPC ecosystem into EuroHPC. TRUBA (Turkish Science e-Infrastructure), as the national HPC center managed by TUBITAK ULAKBIM, provides HPC infrastructure expertise and resources to the national community.

METU (Middle East Technical University)
Linked Third Party

METU’s expertise in HPC is in basic sciences, such as computational physics and chemistry applications, numerical methods in engineering applications such as computational fluid dynamics and computational electromagnetics as well as big data analytics and machine learning. That relevant experience directly supports the training organisation of the NCCs and provides consultancy to the SMEs which require HPC mentoring.

SU (Sabancı University)
Linked Third Party

Sabanci University prioritizes the areas of data analytics, integrated manufacturing technologies, and functional surfaces and interfaces for nano-diagnostics through its centers.  SU aims to be a national and international training hub in the area of HPC and contributes to the training focused activities of the NCC. The HPC solutions for the industry are implemented by the consultancy of academic experts included by the NCC.

ITU UHeM (National Centre of High Performance Computing)
Linked Third Party

UHeM has been providing HPC infrastructure and data storage services to academic research projects and industry since 2006. The Centre is the national representative and a member of the PRACE. UHeM supports the collaboration between academia and industry for the sustainability of NCC Türkiye.


Technology and Innovation Funding Programmes Directorate (TEYDEB): Our collaboration with TEYDEB allows us to reach many industrial users.

SparCity Project: The SparCity project aims to maximize sparse computation performance and energy efficiency with algorithms and tools. The NCC provides SME case study use cases and HPC resources to the SparCity project towards this goal.
Mind4Machines Project: The collaboration supports the HPC/HPDA/AI adoption in manufacturing companies towards more sustainable and resource-efficient manufacturing aligned with the latest EU policies.


The NCC has organised a wide range of events to strengthen the HPC environment by emphasizing the benefits of HPC-related technologies to the private and public sectors. The events provided collaborative platforms for experts and instructors from academia, industry, and in particular, SMEs supporting the national HPC ecosystem and revealed the potential interest and needs in HPC. The events organised by NCC Türkiye are listed below:

Best Practices

NCC Türkiye’s best practices are focused on training and SME interaction. Please visit our website to read the best practices.

TRUBA HPC Documentation

The NCC has prepared an effective and collaborative platform for the reference material, tutorials, educational documents as well as application guidelines at a beginner-intermediate level in the native language, following the user-oriented Diátaxis Framework. The source files are hosted on the TRUBA GitHub page. We also provide container-based development environment and codebase walkthrough to facilitate distributed contributions from third parties. You can access our documentation page using this link to find tutorials, user guides, and more.

Success Stories

Within the context of the EuroCC project, NCC Türkiye is conducting case studies with large, medium, and small-sized companies (public or private sector) and start-ups that have problems in the field of HPC/Big Data/Artificial Intelligence. A sufficient amount of free computation time/resources is provided by TRUBA to implement the solution(s). In order to exploit the innovation potential of SMEs, NCC experts meet the needs of SMEs at both the infrastructure and academic levels. Visit our website to read success stories emerging from the completed case studies.


Success Story

Enabling HPC Usage for Expensive ML Tasks on Manufacturing Environments

NCC presenting the success story       Turkish National e-Science e-Infrastructure (TRUBA), operating under Turkish Academic…

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Success Story

Public Transport Analysis on HPC Infrastructure

NCC presenting the success story  TÜBİTAK-TRUBA, one of the two capacious HPC centers authoritatively in Turkey, coordinates NCC Turkey.…

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Success Story

Large-Scale Real-Time Image Content Moderation

NCC presenting the success story  TÜBİTAK-TRUBA, one of the two capacious HPC centers authoritatively in Turkey, coordinates NCC Turkey.…

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Success Story

The multiphysics experiments of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF…

NCC presenting the success story  TÜBİTAK-TRUBA, one of the two capacious HPC centers authoritatively in Turkey, coordinates NCC Turkey.…

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Success Story

Improving the Efficiency of the Graphene-Enhanced Polymer Composite Production…

NCC presenting the success story   The leader of the NCC is TUBITAK-TRUBA, who is one of the two large HPC centers of Turkey. In…

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Success Story

Simulation-Optimisation of a Patented Design with Parallel Computing on TRUBA…

NCC presenting the success story      Success Story: Simulation-Optimisation of a Patented Design with Parallel Computing on…

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