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The National Competence Centre in HPC was established as part of the EuroCC project. The headquarters of the Polish National Centre for HPC Competence is located at the Academic Computer Center Cyfronet AGH at 11 Nawojki Street in Krakow. However, the supercomputers accessible through the NCK are also located in Gdansk, Otwock, Poznan, Wroclaw, and Warsaw. The National Centre for Competence includes resources from six Polish HPC centres (see: PL-Grid Consortium). We provide services to universities, research institutes, industry (especially small and medium enterprises), and public administration. The National Centre for Competence is an expert centre and a contact point that allows users to use the Polish and European supercomputer infrastructure. We assist in finding specific services in the HPC+ domain (HPC, HPDA, AI, Big Data, NLP, Data Analytics) at one of the national or European supercomputer centres.

Postal Address

Nawojki 11
30-950 Krakow

GPS Coordinates


Nawojki 11
30-950 Krakow

( 50.0687502, 19.9091078 )