Physical-based Animations and Mathematical Modeling

Service description

Particle systems, motion equations of first order integration methods to calculate the speed and position, state vector system, external forces, restrictive conditions - constraints, response forces, particle collisions - plane. Numerical solution of differential equations, Euler method, Runge-Kuta method, stability criteria to select the time step. Lagrange method without networks, modeling and animation point cloud, SPH, deformation. Animation mobility, spline interpolation to animate movement, reparametrisation spline curves by length, and orientation quaternion interpolation of two or more quaternion. Collision detection, Z buffer algorithm, necessary and sufficient conditions when there are two bodies in a collision, parting line, hierarchy envelopes force response (Response Forces). Three phase detection wide, medium and narrow. Dynamics of rigid bodies, equations of motion, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity and angular acceleration, inertia matrix. Procedurárne animation, systems and methods for creating computer animation liquids, fire, smoke. Computer animation in games and in the film industry. Other applications of computer animation with further developments in the field of computer animation using physical effects.

Type of methodology: Combination of lecture and hands-on

Participants receive the certificate of attendance: Yes

Paid training activity for participants: Yes, for all

Participants prerequisite knowledge: Numerical methods (linear algebra, statistics) Domain-specific background knowledge


Potential users
Scientific Domain
Training events
Service valid until
Research and Academia
Location category
Technical Domain
Not Relevant
In person
Castiel and EuroCC