Neural Networks

Service description

1. Introduction to artificial neural networks (NN): inspiration from biology, basic concepts, NN with logic neurons.

2. Binary / continuous perceptron: supervised learning, error functions, learning rules, continuous function gradient, classification.

3. Linear NN: Vector spaces, autoasociative memory. 4

. Multilayer perceptron: supervised learning, errro backpropagation algorithm, model validation, generalization, model selection.

5. Gradient learning methods, introduction to deep learning.

6. Hebbian unsupervised learning, principle component analysis.

7. Semi supervised learning, self-organizing maps, clustering, topographic view.

8. NN with radial base functions (RBF), model training.

9. Hopfield NN model: deterministic dynamics, attractors, autoasociative memory.

10. Sequence data modeling: forward delayed NN, partial and fully recurrent models (RNN), gradient training algorithms.

11. Organization of Status Space in RNN. Networks with echo states (ESN). 12. Stochastic recurrent NN models: Boltzmann machine, DBN model.

Type of methodology: Combination of lecture and hands-on

Participants receive the certificate of attendance: Yes

Paid training activity for participants: Yes, for all

Participants prerequisite knowledge: Numerical methods (linear algebra, statistics) Domain-specific background knowledge

Potential users
Scientific Domain
Training events
Service valid until
Research and Academia
Location category
Technical Domain
Artificial intelligence, machine and deep learning
Scientific programming
In person
Castiel and EuroCC