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Service description

Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Students will obtain basic knowledge in modeling and numerical simulation of processes of heat and mass transfer using the finite element method (FEM). The emphasis is placed on the application of advanced computational methods, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of temperature fields in chosen technological processes using the program code ANSYS.
Course contents:
1. Modeling and simulation. Models of processes and systems, classification of models according to process parameters, the selection of a method and model solutions. How to create simulation model. Overview of software systems for simulation of thermal processes. The program code ANSYS. Preprocessing, solver, post-processing.

2. Subject and methods of thermodynamics, state variables, the thermodynamic system. Basic laws of ideal gas. The first and the second law of thermodynamics.

3. Thermophysical properties of solids. Material databases. Experimental methods for the measurement of thermophysical properties. Basic terms and laws of heat transfer. The temperature field, heat flux, heat flow. Heat conduction, convection, radiation.

4. Heat diffusion equation, Fourier-Kirchhoff's differential equation of heat conduction. Geometric, physical, initial and boundary conditions. One-dimensional steady-state heat conduction in the bodies without and with internal heat sources.

5. Transient heat conduction in an infinite slab and in an infinite long cylinder without and with internal heat sources. Heat conduction in bodies with finite dimensions. Transient heat conduction in a semi-infinite region.

6. Convection heat transfer, the basic concepts. Newton's law. Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Boundary layers. Theory of similarity, dimensional analysis. External free convection, empirical correlations. Free convection in enclosures.

7. External forced convection. Internal forced convection in pipes and channels. Heat transfer during phase transformations. Radiation heat transfer. Basic principles and terms. Planck distribution, Wien's laws, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Kirchhoff's law, Lambert's law. The methods for calculation of radiation heat transfer. Combined heat transfer by convection and radiation.

8. Analytical and numerical methods for solution of heat diffusion equation. Solution of thermal problems applying finite element method. Linear and nonlinear problems. Space and time discretization. Accuracy and stability of numerical solutions.

9. Solution of coupled heat and stress-strain problems. Numerical simulation of material heating in industrial furnaces. Modeling of material cooling during hardening.

10. Numerical simulation of the processes of fusion welding. Simplified models of welding processes. Modeling of the heat input to the weld.

11. Solution of coupled electro-magnetic and thermal problems. Resistive electric heating, induction heating, laser heating.

12. Development of simulation models for the flow of incompressible and compressible fluids. Modeling of the cavity filling during the casting processes.

13. Modeling and numerical simulation of the heat transfer in technological processes using specialized software.


Type of methodology: Combination of lecture and hands-on

Participants receive the certificate of attendance: Yes

Paid training activity for participants: No, it's free of charge

Participants prerequisite knowledge: Numerical methods (linear algebra, statistics); Domain-specific background knowledge

Scientific Domain
Training events
Service valid until
Research and Academia
Location category
Technical Domain
Numerical libraries and methods
In person
Castiel and EuroCC