Big spatial and spatio-temporal data management

Service description

 Introduction. Systems and programming description management. Lambda and Kappa architectures for big data. Basic principles and features of big spatial and spatio-temporal data. Modelling of spatial and spatio-temporal data. Specification of relevant operations on spatial and spatio-temporal data. Indexing. Global and local indexes. Static and dynamic indexes. Geohashes. Spatio-temporal data streams. SQL-based analysis of spatio-temporal data streams within integrated big data platforms. Implementation of data types and operations in object-functional programming language and distributed dataflow platforms. Implementation based on API of integrated platform for distributed batch and data stream processing. Development of user-defined functions. Specification of spatial and spatio-temporal queries in SQL-like query languages. Data mining of big spatio-temporal data.
Learning Outcomes

  •     Identify fundamental features of spatial and spatio-temporal big data
  •     Identify fundamental features of spatioto-temporal data streams
  •     Design and implement spatial and spatio-temporal data types in object-functional programming language and distributed data flow platforms
  •     Develop simple algorithms for big spatio-temporal data management
  •     Develop simple algorithms for spatio-temporal data streams management
  •     Develop spatial and spatio-temporal queries using SQL-like expressions
  •     Develop simple algorithms for spatio-temporal data mining and knowledge discovery.
  •     Choose big data management technologies in spatio-temporal application domain

Type of methodology: Combination of lecture and hands-on

Paid training activity for participants: Yes, for some only

Participants prerequisite knowledge: No prerequisite knowledge

Language: English and Croatian

Potential users
Scientific Domain
Training events
Service valid until
Research and Academia
Location category
Technical Domain
Data science and high performance data analytics
Online, live
Castiel and EuroCC