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Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
SMACK 7: Computing at the IAC

This talk will give an overview of the resources for scientific computing at the IAC. The network,…

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Online: Introduction to Quantum Computing and Algorithms, 2nd Ed.

2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary…

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CUDA 4 Dummies

CUDA is the standard API for code development targeting the GPU and a number of impressive examples…

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Online course Cluster computing for computational science

Practical training to learn how to use a supercomputer If you have to perform many calculations or…

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  United Kingdom

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Remote BioExcel Winter School on Biomolecular Simulations

The winter school will include lectures and hands-on sessions on the following topics: Molecular…

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Online: Introduction to Quantum Computing and Algorithms, 1st Ed.

2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary…

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Parallelization with MPI

On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing…

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Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
SMACK 5: Git version control system basics

Git is probably the most widely used Version Control System (software tools that help record…

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[ONLINE] Directive-based GPU programming with OpenACC @ JSC

GPU-accelerated computing drives current scientific research. Writing fast numeric algorithms for…

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  United Kingdom

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Computational biomolecular simulation workflows with BioExcel Building Blocks

Overview: Are you interested in computational biomolecular simulation methods such as Molecular…

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Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP

The focus of this 2 days course is on shared memory parallelization with OpenMP for dual-core,…

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[ONLINE] GPU Programming with OpenACC

This course is an introduction to GPU programming using the directive based OpenACC paradigm.…

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