The focus of this 2 days course is on shared memory parallelization with OpenMP for dual-core, multi-core, shared memory, and ccNUMA platforms. This…
This course is an introduction to GPU programming using the directive based OpenACC paradigm. The course consists of lectures and hands-on…
This intermediate C++ training is a course on software development with the C++ programming language. The focus of the training are the essential C…
As a collaboration between ARCHER2 Training and BioExcel, this free online course consists of interactive hands-on practical sessions presented…
This course is from beginners level (the first steps on a supercomputer) to intermediate level (some experience on VSC or an other compute cluster…
This Linux command-line course is for users (or soon to be users) of the VSC clusters only. You will learn how to login to VSC and step-by-step we…
GROMACS ( is a free, open-source and high-performance software suite for molecular dynamics simulation and analysis. The workshop…
The goal of this 4 day-tutorial is to help students and researchers from the field of computational materials science get started with writing…
Overview The summer school will include lectures and hands-on sessions on the following topics: Molecular Dynamics simulations Biomolecular…
This online course covers basic tools and technologies needed to succeed in the setting up a QM/MM simulation with AmberTools suite, with hands-on…
2-day basic course on quantum computers and the algorithms that control them. Compared to ordinary computers, quantum computers behave very…
About this course This course will provide a brief introduction to the Common Workflow Language (CWL) and help you get started with the CWL…