Syllabus: Overview of local installation and configuration of Gromacs software + visualization…
Data volumes are rising steeply, forcing data center managers to integrate data…
Significant investments to upgrade and construct large-scale scientific facilities demand…
During the past ten years, Python has seen a meteoric rise in both popularity and demand not only…
EoCoE School offers collaborative online learning opportunities on Energy-oriented Centre of…
We live in a world where the amount of data is rapidly increasing. This allows us to make rapid…
Big data management is a major challenge, as it is necessary to establish a process that ensures…
The focus of this short course is to provide to beginners in High Performance Computing (HPC) and…
An introduction to the parallel programming of supercomputers is given. The focus is on the usage…
In AI in Medical Image Understanding Training, which will be held on 6-7 August 2022 in cooperation…
In EuroCC@Turkey Electronic Structure Calculations with Atomic Simulation Environment, which will…
This course introduces accessing remote advanced computing facilities via the command line and High…