Steigen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des High Performance Computings. Lernen Sie die…
The webinar will present a novel data management and storage platform for exascale computing based…
In the EuroCC@Turkey Cyber Security training, which will be held on 13-14 October 2022 with the…
Although consumer grade computers are as fast as they ever were, the workloads have also never been…
In the workshop you will learn how to properly use artificial neural networks through practical…
The focus of this short course is to provide to beginners in High Performance Computing (HPC) and…
Basics of object programming in Python, including using and creating some more advanced…
Course - Introduction to the course - Principles - Work Sharing - Synchronisation - SIMD…
The pace of technological change is faster than ever with a digital revolution under way, enabling…
This training course enables the participants to reinforce their theoretical and practical…
This course series for academic participants from Germany will be organised as a hybrid event with…
During the past ten years, Python has seen a meteoric rise in both popularity and demand not only…