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Parallel programming tools MPI, OpenMP

This course aims at learning to parallelize applications in order to reduce compute time or solve larger problems using MPI/OpenMP programming models…

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OpenMP Programming Workshop

With the increasing prevalence of multicore processors, shared-memory programming models are essential. OpenMP is a popular, portable, widely…

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Advanced Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP

The focus is on advanced programming with MPI and OpenMP. The course addresses participants who have already some experience with C/C++ or…

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  Czech Republic

Workshop on Quantum Computing: Hybrid Systems
Workshop on Quantum Computing: Hybrid Systems

The practical use of quantum computer requires the creation of so-called Hybrid System, which (in simplified terms) includes not only a quantum…

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NCC Croatia - NVidia Workshop: Fundamentals of Deep Learning
NVidia Workshop: Fundamentals of Deep Learning

On November 25, 2022 starting at 9:00 a.m. and organized by the Croatian Competence Center for HPC ( and NVidia, with…

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  United Kingdom

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ARCHER2 for Package Users

This lesson provides an introduction to using ARCHER2 for users who: have already used other HPC systems; and want to use pre-installed…

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  Czech Republic

Programming heterogeneous environments with Intel oneAPI
Programming heterogeneous environments with Intel oneAPI

Annotation IT4Innovations and Intel are inviting you to a three-day event dedicated to oneAPI. Join Intel and leading oneAPI professionals for…

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R Statistics: Data Analysis and Visualization

Course deals with data analysis and especially visualization in R. It goes deeper into the statistics and data analysis including using more advanced…

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Advanced HPC Workshop for MPG and NOMAD

This workshop helps HPC developers to better manage, debug and profile their code. One day is dedicated to GPU programming. MPCDF organizes an…

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Parallelization with MPI

On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the dominating programming model.…

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C++ Logo showing the text "C++" on blue ground.
Modern C++ Software Design (Advanced)

This advanced C++ training is a course on software design with the C++ programming language. The focus of the training are the essential C++ software…

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Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Theory & Practice

Through the John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Research Centre Jülich provides high-performance computing resources to scientific user groups…

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