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Course/Event Essentials

Event/Course Start
Event/Course End
Event/Course Format
Live (synchronous)

Venue Information

Country: Turkey
Venue Details: Click here

Training Content and Scope

Other Information

Supporting Project(s)
Event/Course Description

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) was established to build a world-class supercomputing ecosystem and data infrastructure in Europe, to support competitive and innovative High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data ecosystems. Calls opened under the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking are designed to serve research areas that have significant needs in terms of computing time, data storage, and supporting resources, requiring large-scale computing resources. Researchers from academia, industry, and the public sector can apply to these calls. General information about the calls can be accessed on our website. Detailed information about the calls, support mechanisms, access policies to systems, and other details will be provided at the EuroHPC Project Calls Information Day, which will be conducted online via Zoom by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM as part of the EuroCC 2 project on January 17, 2023.