Software benchmarking; Refactoring strategies; Score-P and Vampir; Examples.
This lesson provides an overview of some more advanced techniques and uses of LAMMPS. Specifically…
To raise awareness on quantum computing & technologies, NCC Turkey is going to organise a…
YALES2 aims at the solving of two-phase combustion from primary atomization to pollutant prediction…
The Scientific Computing group at the IT department (UiB) in collaboration with NRIS…
ChEESE partner Jorge Macias (UMA) conducts a Tsunami-HySEA training course at the University…
This course is planned to take place at HLRS but might be cancelled or provided as a reduced ONLINE…
Ihr Unternehmen generiert haufenweise Daten und Sie wüssten gerne, wie Sie Mehrwert daraus…
Parallel programming; Message Passing Interface; OpenMP Directives.
Do you want to create and manage your own work environment and run powerful applications on it? The…
The school will include lectures and hands-on sessions on the following topics: Molecular…
This tutorial will introduce the audience to the BSC tools for heterogenous programming on FPGA…