This webinar offers you the necessary knowledge to keep your data FAIR (findable, accessible,…
In this event, we would like to initiate a professional discussion on the HPC training plan of the…
This workshop is aimed at students, scientists, programmers with little or no Julia knowledge…
Supervised training of large networks requires large labeled datasets, which in turn demand high…
GPU-accelerated computing drives current scientific research. Writing fast numeric algorithms for…
This two day on-line course serves as a detailed introduction to the LUMI-C environment and…
Szkolenie będzie podzielone na dwie dwugodzinne części. W pierwszej części zostaną omówione…
This lesson provides an introduction to using GROMACS. GROMACS is a free molecular dynamics package…
Este Webinar tuvo como objetivos el conocer los conceptos y las bases tecnológicas básicas de la…
Description: The lesson aims to answer the following questions: What hardware is available on…
This course series on Data Analytics, Big Data & AI Training offers the following course…
Overview Welcome to this ENCCS SYCL workshop SYCL is a C++ abstraction layer for programming…