This course is a EuroHPC training event. It is organized by the Faculty of information studies in…
This online workshop is meant to give an overview of working with research data in Python using…
This course will introduce the R language and data mining and visualisation techniques. -…
On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing…
Machine learning is at the heart of current advances in artificial intelligence for processing…
This special online advanced HPC track of courses consists of three separate training events…
Through the John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Research Centre Jülich provides high-…
Welcome to Earth Observation workshop by Geoportti! Are you working or want to work with Earth…
Jak wykorzystuje się metody chemii kwantowej do projektowania algorytmów kombinowanych kwantowo-…
Learn how to accelerate your applications with OpenACC and CUDA, how to train and deploy a neural…
Big data management is a major challenge, as it is necessary to establish a process that ensures…