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Wstęp do implementacji modeli fizycznych przy wykorzystaniu OpenFOAM

Szkolenie jest przeznaczone dla użytkowników, którzy mają minimalne doświadczenie w programowaniu w…

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Course: Neural Networks with TensorFlow
Course: Neural Networks with TensorFlow

Artificial Neural networks currently belong to the most popular and widely used algorithms for…

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Big Data 25. Mai 2022
Big Data – wie lässt sich die Datenflut zähmen?

Ihr Unternehmen will die Grundlagen des Big Data Managements und Big Data Analytics kennenlernen?…

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  Czech Republic

Introduction to Atos QLM and how to use it to run your first quantum circuit
Introduction to Atos QLM and how to use it to run your first quantum circuit

This course is aimed at presenting the main features of the Atos QLM software stack, and at…

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In person

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Using Supercomputers & Software Refactoring

Supercomputer design and interconnects; Software stack and environment modules; SLURM…

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  United States of America

Scaling CUDA C++ Applications to Multiple Nodes
Scaling CUDA C++ Applications to Multiple Nodes

Present-day high-performance computing (HPC) and deep learning applications benefit from, and even…

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Crash Bifurcation. Source: Victor Rodrigo Iza-Teran, Copyright Fraunhofer SCAI
2022-ML4SIM3 Data analytics for engineering data using machine learning

This course is a second instance of the same course provided on June 13-15 (originally May 9-11),…

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  United States of America

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++
Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

his workshop teaches the fundamental tools and techniques for accelerating C/C++ applications to…

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[ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to CUDA Programming

The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and hands-on experience in developing…

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Optymalizacja aplikacji HPC w środowisku klastrów obliczeniowych na przykładzie numerycznego modelu pogody WRF

Na przykładzie najbardziej popularnego numerycznego modelu pogody, jakim jest WRF (Weather Research…

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Introduction to HPC

The event will be co-organized by the Hungarian HPC Competence Centre and the ELI ALPS Laser…

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HPC Infrastructure

This is the basic course about singing up, logging in, program compilation and job running on CC…

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