Distributed memory parallelization with the Message Passing Interface MPI (Mon, for beginners): On…
The PRACE Autumn School 2021 will bring together undergraduate and graduate students and…
The objectives of this course are to understand the fundamental concepts supporting message-passing…
This course is targeted at researchers with basic knowledge in numerical simulation, who would like…
Overview: This training course will focus on the fundamentals of CUDA Programming Language. The…
The HPC Autumn School 2021: „Fundamentals of Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations for Applied…
OpenFOAM® is a widely-used open-source code and a powerful framework for solving a variety of…
Parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI. Compiling and running programs using HPC infrastructure.
TensorFlow is a free and open-source platform for machine learning built by Google. It is used…
In September 2021 we will hold a hands-on workshop on e-learning techniques and strategies, under…
This event will build on the knowledge and competences of the HPC IntermediateTraining Event, and…