This is what everyone should know about our HPC environment when launching jobs! Are you…
This two half-days course will be about parallel I/O with a special focus on portable data formats…
This five-day online school will focus on the field of theoretical condensed matter electronic…
The school will introduce students and young researchers to materials and molecular modelling with…
Hackathon Projects This will be an all week event - between Monday 17 - Friday 21 May 2021.…
This is the basic course about singing up, logging in, program compilation and job running on CC…
Typology: Curiosity and interest High Performance Computing (HPC), or high-performance…
On May 12, 2021, an online training on access and use of Avitohol supercomputer resources will be…
The purpose of the training is to engage new users (scientists, students, PhD students) wishing to…
Miten kubitti voi olla 0 ja 1 samanaikaisesti? Mitä hyötyä siitä on? Webinaarin tallenne: …
How can qubits be zero and one at the same time, and what is it good for? Recording on YouTube:…
[Agenda in Lithuanian] 1. Įžanginis žodis Vedėjas: doc. Mindaugas Mačernis Laikas: 5 min. 2.…