Simulations in Weather and Climate
ESiWACE3 focuses on the community’s support to reach a higher readiness level regarding exascale supercomputing and knowledge transfer between the different Earth System modelling centres and teams across Europe. The project focuses on three main pillars: (i) the transfer and establishment of knowledge and technology for efficient and scalable simulations of weather and climate across the Earth system modelling community, (ii) closing common technology knowledge gaps and providing toolboxes for high-resolution Earth system modelling via joint developments and (iii) serve as a sustainable community hub for training, communication and dissemination for high-performance computing for weather and climate modelling in Europe. ESiWACE3 will bring the various approaches to address these challenges from the different modelling groups together to transfer knowledge across the weather and climate domain, generate synergies between the local efforts, provide targeted support to modelling groups via customised high-performance computing services, and provide training to educate the next generation of researchers.
Predicting, mitigating, and adapting to climate change and its effects on humans and natural systems is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century. A new generation of efficient, optimised weather and climate models running on supercomputers is needed for reliable predictions of climate change and the weather and extreme weather events in a changing climate. The Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, ESiWACE3, was created to serve the weather and climate modelling community with innovative technologies and tools to improve the model performance and provide enhanced support and training.
Nowadays, the path towards exascale computing holds enormous challenges regarding portability, scalability and data management, which individual institutes can hardly face. In this direction, the third phase of the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, ESiWACE3, will therefore link, organise and enhance Europe’s excellence in weather and climate modelling to:
NOW: Enabling more detailed resolving weather and climate simulations on the upcoming exascale supercomputers.
FUTURE: Provide the required technology for better and more detailed climate-related risk assessments on a local level.
To achieve this goal, ESiWACE2 will focus on three main goals that are essential to prepare existing operational weather and climate prediction systems for the exascale era:
- The transfer and establishment of knowledge and technology for efficient and scalable simulations of weather and climate across the Earth System modelling community in Europe;
- Closing common technology gaps in the knowledge and toolbox for high-resolution Earth System modelling via joint developments across the European community;
- Serving as a sustainable community hub for training, communication, and dissemination of high-performance computing for weather and climate modelling in Europe.
ESiWACE3 will bring the various approaches to address these challenges from the different modelling groups together to transfer knowledge across the weather and climate domain, generate synergies between the local efforts, provide targeted support to modelling groups via customised high-performance computing services, and provide training to educate the next generation of researchers.
Within this context, the project pursues to:
- Increase efficiency of weather and climate simulations on state-of-the-art supercomputers;
- Design tools to close technology gaps for high-performance computing;
- Develop tools to tackle the data challenge of high-resolution weather and climate modelling;
- Support the broader community of weather and climate modelling in the use of state-of-the-art supercomputers via targeted services;
- Support the wider community of weather and climate modelling in the use of state-of-the-art supercomputers via training and capacity building;
- Build a well-connected and inclusive community for high-resolution Earth System modelling across Earth system science and HPC, and establish connections and knowledge transfer between existing European initiatives.
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Runtime: 01/2023 - 12/2026