Organisations & Codes InvolvedVoxo AB ( is a Stockholm-based startup that specializes in extracting, analysing, and…
SUCCESS STORY # HIGHLIGHTS:Keywords: High-Performance Computing, HPC, Supercomputing, Engineering, Software Optimisation, EuroCCIndustry sector: IT/…
Short Description Proton Dynamics Mass spectrometry has revolutionized proteomics, i.e. the investigation of the myriad of protein/protein…
Organisations & Codes Involved: DigitalSmart is a coordinator of a new H2020 project: called AIMHiGH that is…
CoE involved:Strong scaling for turbulent channel (tri) and rocket engine simulations (circle). Performance (symbols) versus ideal (line)…
HIGHLIGHTED CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEHiDALGO is the Center of Excellence in HPC and Big Data technologies for Global Systems funded by the European…
Highlighted Centre of ExcellenceMAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) is a European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling,…