NCC Italy
The EuroCC-Italy Competence Center addresses the continuum of HPC, HPDA and AI technologies and knowledge, delivering an open service platform to facilitate access to:
- certified training material, on-line and on-site training programs,
- field work opportunities for young researchers and professionals;
- experties and support to innovation though HPC/HPDA/AI technologies and methodologies;
- proof of concepts to evaluate the impact of the technology on business and operations
- computing resources
- technology transfer actions between academia and industry
The EuroCC-Italy Competence Center open service platform, is a scalable project. It can be extended with the contribution of current and new partners belonging to the HPC/AI/HPDA national ecosystem.
LEONARDO, one of the EuroHPC world-class supercomputers and leading The pillars of EuroCC-Italy are the HPC competences and infrastructure available in CINECA, including pre-exascale system Leonardo; IFAB a private Foundation to connect research with industries, BI-REX network with industry associations, and services for innovation, to reach SMEs in the manufacturing sector; corporates like Dompé and Leonardo Finmeccanica that have a long-lasting experience in using and applying HPC, HPDA and AI, in their research and business processes, willing to support innovations in SMEs belonging to their supply chain, and to the green economy, national and European ecosystem, through concrete application examples and needs. EuroCC-Italy is an open project to be extended in its due course to new partners belonging to the HPC/AI/HPDA national ecosystem.

EuroCC-Italy leverages on constructive collaborations between industry and academia, and relies on gender equal working groups spamming on different generations, where people can express their knowledge, skills and creativity, and make new ideas flourish from experience.
Starting from industry business needs, the competence centers offers, to its users, resoursesand skills to set up proof of concepts, to assess the effectiveness of an HPC based solution. Success stories arising from the proof of concept results, help to sustain and increase awareness on the positive applications of HPC/HPDA/AI technologies to serve industry and people needs.