EuroCC2 N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp

Course/Event Essentials

Event/Course Start
Event/Course End
Event/Course Format
Live (synchronous)

Venue Information

Country: Germany
Venue Details: Click here

Training Content and Scope

Scientific Domain
Technical Domain
Level of Instruction
Sector of the Target Audience
Research and Academia
Public Sector
HPC Profile of Target Audience
Application Users
Application Developers
Data Scientists
System Administrators
Language of Instruction

Other Information

Supporting Project(s)
Event/Course Description

During this two-day online bootcamp, participants will learn about multiple GPU programming models and can choose the one that best fits their needs to run their scientific codes on GPUs. This bootcamp will cover an introduction to GPU programming using OpenACC, OpenMP, stdpar, and CUDA C, and provides hands-on opportunities to learn how to analyze GPU-enabled applications using NVIDIA® Nsight™ Systems. This online bootcamp is a hands-on learning experience where you will be guided through step-by-step instructions with teaching assistants on hand to help throughout. 


  • Basic experience with C/C++ or Fortran.
  • No GPU Programming or AI knowledge is required.

This bootcamp is co-organised by the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)OpenACC organization, and NVIDIA for EuroCC Austria and EuroCC@GCS, the Austrian and German National Competence Centres for High-Performance Computing.