Course/Event Essentials
Training Content and Scope
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Programming languages such as C++ are devices to help you think and plan workflows in a systematic, logical, and consistent – say structured – way. C++ contains many language features, and comprises different paradigms such as precedural or object-oriented programming. As with many other contemporary programming languages, the difficulties of writing code lie in making design decisions – which language features to use, and in which way.
This 3-days course covers an introduction into the C++ language features (types and data structures, basic key words, flow control structures, templates, ...), some of the paradigm ideas, software development process including program design, project managment, debugging, and more (cmake, doxygen, git, ...).
The straightest way to learn a programming language is probably to have the need to apply it to a problem. If you have a specific problem or project in mind, this would be perfect. However, we offer Hands-on tutorials with application examples out of the scientific and mathematical fields, which are usually met in the universitary environment. We want to disburden the entry and access to the skills of programming for prospective and advancing scientists and engineers.