SuperMUC-NG Status and Results Workshop

Course/Event Essentials

Event/Course Start
Event/Course End
Event/Course Format
Live (synchronous)

Venue Information

Country: Germany
Venue Details: Click here

Training Content and Scope

Scientific Domain
Level of Instruction
Sector of the Target Audience
Research and Academia
Public Sector
Other (general public...)
Language of Instruction

Other Information

Event/Course Description

This workshop will be a fully virtual event.


  • Scientific talks during the morning sessions: 20 projects will present their work in 15min talks, followed by 5min Q&A. Selected talks will also be available on LRZ’s YouTube channel.
  • Extended User Forum in the afternoons: We would like to present our services, and upcoming developments in the field of HPC@LRZ. For each topic, we have prepared a short presentation, which is followed by an extended discussion to receive your feedback.
  • No fees, no expenses for travel or accommodation: Simply register here. You can, of course, only take part in just one session, or just one talk. Please encourage every member of your team to take a look at the agenda – we have enough seats for everyone!

The science presented at the workshop and more exciting HPC results obtained on SuperMUC-NG are collected in the latest book, which has been published online (November 2022) and can be downloaded free of charge.