The Hackathon will focus on enabling Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for global challenge applications (e.g., those used in HiDALGO2 and CIRCE) using the SEAVEA toolkit (SEAVEAtk). During the event, participants will learn about the SEAVEAtk components aiming
- to create VVUQ procedures (EasyVVUQ),
- to facilitate the creation of surrogate models for multiscale simulations (EasySurrogate),
- to automate the complex workflows emerging from these procedures using HPC resources (FabSim3),
- to enable the efficient execution of large numbers of jobs on computational resources (QCG Pilot Job Manager and RADICAL Cybertools),
- to make creating coupled multiscale simulations easy, and to then enable efficient Uncertainty Quantification of such models using advanced semi-intrusive algorithms (MUSCLE3),
- to perform surrogate modelling using Gaussian Processes (MOGP).
Specifically for this Hackathon, we will introduce the Multipurpose Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis (mUQSA) web-based Graphical User Interface, which supports application developers and users lacking in-depth knowledge of the subject, and integrates with SEAVEAtk. mUQSA automates and streamlines the efficient execution of UQ computations on large-scale High-Performance Computing systems.
During the Hackathon you will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning by interacting with the SEAVEAtk experts, who will help you in applying your choice of SEAVEAtk tools on your own codes and applications. Existing SEAVEAtk users are also welcome, as the team will offer support to add more rigorous VVUQ to their applications.