Introduction to parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP (training course)

Course/Event Essentials

Event/Course Start
Event/Course End
Event/Course Format
In person

Venue Information

Country: Germany
Venue Details: Click here

Training Content and Scope

Technical Domain
Level of Instruction
Sector of the Target Audience
Research and Academia
Public Sector
HPC Profile of Target Audience
Application Users
Application Developers
System Administrators
Language of Instruction

Other Information

Event/Course Description

An introduction to the parallel programming of supercomputers is given. The focus is on the usage of the Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most often used programming model for systems with distributed memory. Furthermore, OpenMP will be presented, which is often used on shared-memory architectures.


<p><b>This is an on-site and in-person event. It is not possible to attend online.</b></p>.
<p>An introduction to the parallel programming of supercomputers is given. The focus is on the usage of the Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most often used programming model for systems with distributed memory. Furthermore, OpenMP will be presented, which is often used on shared-memory architectures.</p>

<p>The three day course consist of lectures as well as practical tutorials on implementing the techniques presented in the course..</p>

<p>Topics covered:
   <li>Fundamentals of Parallel Computing (incl. HPC system architectures, shared and distributed memory concepts)</li>
   <li>MPI (basics, point-to-point communication, collective communication, blocking and non-blocking)</li>
   <li>OpenMP (basics, parallel construct, data sharing, loop work sharing, task work sharing)</li>

<p>Knowledge of either C, C++ or Fortran, basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux and a UNIX standard editor (e.g. vi, emacs) is a prerequisite.</p>