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Modern C++ Software Design (Advanced)

This advanced C++ course provides both advanced C++ programming techniques and software design insight to help developers to create professional,…

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Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Theory & Practice (ONLINE course)

This course will take place as an online event and is exclusively targeted for users of the Jülich supercomputers. The link to the online platform…

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AMD Instinct™ GPU Training

This course will give a deep dive into the AMD Instinct™ GPU architecture and its ROCm™ ecosystem, including the tools to develop or port HPC or AI…

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Interactive High-Performance Computing with JupyterLab (training course, online)

Interactive exploration and analysis of large amounts of data from scientific simulations, in-situ visualization and application control are…

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Computing Cube LRZ
Introduction to CoolMUC-4 with Focus on CFD and FEM Workflows

The focus of this short course is to provide to beginners in High Performance Computing (HPC) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) a crash course…

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  Czech Republic

Quantum Computing Seminar: Probabilistic Quantum Error Correction Codes Within Application to NISQ Devices
Quantum Computing Seminar: Probabilistic Quantum Error Correction Codes Within…

AnnotationThe main aim of this talk is to introduce the concept of probabilistic quantum error correction (QEC) codes. During the talk we will show…

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N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp, 8–9 April 2025
N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp

The N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp covers the basics of GPU programming and provides an overview of different methods for porting scientific…

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Introduction to Unreal Engine for Science (ONLINE course)

This course will take place as an online event on 3 successive Tuesdays. The link to the streaming platform will be provided to the registrants only.…

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In person

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Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2025

Together with NVIDIA and OpenACC organization, Helmholtz (supported by HIDA) will host a hybrid Open Hackathon from 1st…

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In person

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GPU Programming Part 1: Foundations (training course, on-site)

The course will be held in person at JSC!GPU-accelerated computing drives current scientific research. Writing fast numeric algorithms for GPUs…

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In person

GPU Programming with HIP

This course gives basic to intermediate level knowledge on HIP programming. It starts with a basic introduction to writing GPU applications using HIP…

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High Performance Computing Chair
Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package and Applications 2025

RationaleThe Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) is one of the leading electronic structure software to study chemical / physical …

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