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Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Learning (training course, online)

<p>When observing data, the key question is: What I can learn from the observation? Bayesian inference treats all parameters of the model as…

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  Czech Republic

Containerisation, CI/CD and Benchmarking Solutions for HPC

AnnotationThis training is designed for individuals working on containerisation, automation, and performance optimisation in HPC environments. It…

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HLRS course
Fortran for Scientific Computing (hybrid course)

This course is dedicated to scientists and students to learn (sequential) programming of scientific applications with Fortran. The course teaches the…

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In person

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Parallel programming with OpenMP

An introduction to the parallel programming of supercomputers is given. The focus is on the usage of the Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most…

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Bringing Deep Learning Workloads to JSC supercomputers (training course, online…

This course will take place as an online event. The link to the online platform will be provided to the accepted registrants only.Fancy using High…

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  Czech Republic

Fundamental Quantum Computing Algorithms and Their Implementation in Qiskit
Fundamental Quantum Computing Algorithms and Their Implementation in Qiskit

AnnotationQuantum computers operate on principles fundamentally distinct from classical computing. This course explains these differences by…

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In person

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Introduction to parallel programming with MPI (training course)

This course will take place as an on-site and in-person event. It is not possible to attend online.Contents:An introduction to the parallel…

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In person

Hybrid HPC Quantum Computing at LRZ

This is an on-site course at LRZ in Garching near Munich. There will be no possibility to join online remotely via video conference. Participants are…

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Einführung in ParaView zur Visualisierung von wissenschaftlichen Daten

ParaView ist eine auf dem Visualization Toolkit (VTK) basierende Open-Source Software,  mit der wissenschaftlich-technische Datensätze…

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Programming with Fortran

This three day online course is targeted at scientists that have little or no knowledge of the Fortran programming language, but need it for…

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Modern C++ Software Design (Intermediate)

The focus of this intermediate C++ course are the essential C++ software development principles, concepts, idioms, and best practices, which enable…

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2025-ML4SIM Data analytics for engineering data using machine learning

This three-day online workshop addresses the preparation, analysis and interpretation of numerical simulation data by machine learning methods.…

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