If you need to perform many calculations or analyses that are too big for your own system, clusters and supercomputers offer the computing power you…
OrganisersSilvia Di Giorgio (ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences)Alan O'Cais (University of Barcelona)Ignacio Pagonabarraga (University of…
In this 4-days online workshop you will learn how to accelerate your applications with OpenACC, CUDA C/C++ and CUDA Python on NVIDIA GPUs.The…
In the module HPC Clusters - Setup & Operation , you gained insights into the key hardware and software components of HPC clusters, as well as…
The National Competence Centre for HPC in Austria is organizing this one-day training together with ESiWACE3, the Centre of Excellence in simulation…
What if you could avoid installing a broad range of scientific software from scratch on every supercomputer, cloud instance, or laptop you use or…
"Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine which provides the language SmPL (Semantic Patch Language) for specifying desired matches…
Most HPC systems are clusters of shared memory nodes. To use such systems efficiently both memory consumption and communication time has to be…
Workshop for using HPC. Biginner training for accesing HPC resources: EuroHPC supercomputers, quantum computers, supercomputer "VU HPC" Saulėtkis…
EuroCC@Greece announces the 9th Course of HPC Training Series with the subject "Running LLMs on HPC: Transformers, Inference & Deployment",…
The focus of this short course is to provide to beginners in High Performance Computing (HPC) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) a crash course…