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introduction supercomputing
Introduction to Supercomputing, part I

If you need to perform many calculations, or analyses that are too big for your own system, clusters and supercomputers will provide the computing…

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Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

The course introduces into established numerical methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics in the context of high performance computing. An emphasis…

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Standardization and development of ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)
Standardization and development of ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)

Training topic:ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) is an open-source framework designed to enable interoperability of machine learning models across…

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In person

Advanced User of SURF Research Cloud

Do you want to automate your SURF Research Cloud workflows using the API? Join this training to learn how to use the API to prepare environments for…

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EuroCC Italy and EuroCC Lithuania
HPC Molecular Modelling

In the wake of collaborations between national European research centers, a new course promoted by EuroCC Italy and EuroCC Lithuania has…

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Logo of HPC in Europe Portal
JSC OpenStack training

JSC offers a Cloud computing platform for users with a demand for scientific use cases. The cloud platform at JSC is based on OpenStack and comprises…

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In person

Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems

This is an on-site course at LRZ in Garching near Munich. There will be no possibility to join online remotely via video conference. Participants are…

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HPC Training Series - Course 10 "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and OpenFOAM, using High Performance Computing"
EuroCC@Greece HPC Training Series – Course 10 “Introduction to Computational…

EuroCC@Greece and the National Technical University of Athens announce the 10th Course of HPC Training Series with the subject "Introduction to…

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In person

HLRS course
Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization

The focus of this course is on iterative and parallel solvers, and the parallel programming models MPI and OpenMP. Thereby, different modern Krylov…

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Computing Cube LRZ
Introduction to CoolMUC-4 with Focus on CFD and FEM Workflows

The focus of this short course is to provide to beginners in High Performance Computing (HPC) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) a crash course…

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  Czech Republic

Quantum Computing Seminar: SAOOVQE – Quantum Chemistry Meets Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing Seminar: SAOOVQE – Quantum Chemistry Meets Quantum Computing

AnnotationThe development of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms has revolutionized quantum chemistry simulations, and in this talk, I will introduce…

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In person

Data Center
AI Training Series - Fundamentals of Deep Learning - powered by NVIDIA

This course is part of the "LRZ AI Training Series", a series of courses aiming at the needs and expectations of data analytics, big data & AI…

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