University of Donja Gorica (UDG) will organize a round table which will be held on Saturday 26…
Jointly organized by the KIFÜ HPC Competence Centre and the HPC Centre of the University of…
The workshop is aimed for users who want use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence…
In this workshop we will help you getting started on the VSC clusters, Austria's most powerful…
This three day online course is targeted at scientists with little or no knowledge of the Fortran…
Online self-learning course about CSC Computing Environment Are you planning on using CSC…
Topics include short theoretical introduction of neural networks, TensorFlow library basics, basic…
Numerical simulations conducted on current high-performance computing (HPC) systems face an ever…
The objective of this course is to learn how to use systems with more than one memory subsystem. We…
The focus of this course with its 12 lectures and about 5 practical exercises is targeted on…
This course is dedicated to scientists and students to learn (sequential) programming with Fortran…
EuroCC Training Event – 2nd High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics, and…