This workshop organised by VI-HPS, Jülich Supercomputing Centre & RWTH Aachen ITC will: give…
Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Programmiermodellen MPI und OpenMP. In praktischen Übungen (in C,…
The general purpose of the workshop is to support the development of the HPC (High Performance…
This webinar introduces different computing services offered by CSC for biousers. These services…
Did you ever want to re-run your project from the beginning, but run into trouble because you…
During this two-day online Bootcamp, participants will learn how to apply AI tools, techniques and…
HPC Fundamentals for end-users is an introductory course on how to use Discoverer…
This course introduces HPC to life science researchers, focusing on the aspects that are most…
Austria is part of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and the…
The objective of this course is to give an overview of BSC storage solutions, Hecuba and dataClay.…
Open OnDemand and other easy-access tools for HPC.
Globally, cyber threats continue to evolve rapidly and the number of data breaches increases every…