Algorithms in scientific computing often use real numbers. However, it is not possible for…
Overview This training course will focus on the foundations of “Big Data” analysis by introducing…
Are you wondering how to solve your data analytics problems quickly? Do you have a dataset large…
Overview Quantum molecular modeling of complex molecular systems is an indispensable and…
High performance computing (HPC) is the ability to process data and perform complex calculations at…
This course will take place as an online event on 4 successive Wednesdays. The link to the…
The aim of this module is to give students a clear view of what parallel computing is and what it…
Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со начинот на процесирање на потоци од…
Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со концептите на пресметувањето со…
Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со модерните техники на пресметување и…
This course is a EuroHPC training event. It is organized by the Faculty of information studies in…
Hackathon II and TREX Event at premises of Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines…