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Floating Arithmetic & Digital Quality

Algorithms in scientific computing often use real numbers. However, it is not possible for computing units to work directly with real numbers, whose…

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NCC Slovenia
Big Data analysis with Hadoop and RHadoop

Overview This training course will focus on the foundations of “Big Data” analysis by introducing the Hadoop distributed computing architecture and…

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In person

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Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing

Are you wondering how to solve your data analytics problems quickly? Do you have a dataset large enough to be unable to analyze it on your…

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Veloxchem Workshop Organised by ENCCS and PDC
VeloxChem: Quantum Chemistry Towards Pre-exascale and Beyond – ENCCS/PDC

Overview Quantum molecular modeling of complex molecular systems is an indispensable and integrated component in advanced material design, as such…

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High performance computing for SMEs – applications in AI & robotics –…

High performance computing (HPC) is the ability to process data and perform complex calculations at high speeds. HPC, or supercomputing, paves the…

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Introduction to Unreal Engine for Science

This course will take place as an online event on 4 successive Wednesdays. The link to the streaming platform will be provided to the registrants…

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In person

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Introduction to parallel computing

The aim of this module is to give students a clear view of what parallel computing is and what it can do. In particular, this course can provide you…

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  North Macedonia

 Скалабилна околина за HPDA
Container based scalable HPDA environment integrated with Jupyter notebooks

Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со модерните техники на пресметување и нивната примена за најразлични цели, со примарен…

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  North Macedonia

Процесирање со ограничено доцнење на проточни податоци со Apache Flink
Low latency processing of streaming data using Apache Flink

Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со начинот на процесирање на потоци од податоци со ограничено доцнење. Воведување во…

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  North Macedonia

 Вовед во пресметување со високи перформанси
Introduction to HPC

Целта на овој курс е слушателите постепено да се запознаат со концептите на пресметувањето со високи перформанси во различни форми и под различни…

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Learning from data for HPC
Course: Learning from data for HPC

This course is a EuroHPC training event. It is organized by the Faculty of information studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia. At the end of this course the…

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In person

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TREX Hackathon II at UVSQ

Hackathon II and TREX Event at premises of Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), France from Monday 28th of February to…

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